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Blog / Posts Elements
Blog Slider

Blog Slider

With this element you can add blog slider to your page.

You can find “Blog Slider” element in editing panel of Elementor in “TheGem Blog / Posts” group

Content Tab


In this section you can choose posts to be displayed in slider.


Here you can specify posts of which post type should be displayed in slider. Blog slider is compatible with all custom post types, which automatically appear in this control once added to your WordPress instance.

By selecting “Same Taxonomy Items (Related) you can display posts which are related to the current post. In this case next you need to select the “Related by” taxonomy (in case you have created your own custom taxonomy it will automatically appear in “Related by” control.

By selecting “Manual Selection” you can manually select posts from different post types to display in slider. To manually select posts simply start typing the names of the respective posts in “Select Posts” control.


You can show posts from selected taxonomy terms like blog or product categories, tags etc.And/or you can manually select posts of the chosen post type by choosing “Posts”/”Manual Selection” in “Source” field. To manually select posts simply start typing the names of the respective posts in “Select Postss” control.

Order By, Sort Order

Specify the sort order of the items in slider.


Here you can displace or pass over the first items in slider by specifying the number of such items to pass over.


Using exclude control you can exclude posts from being displayed in slider. You can manually specify the posts to exclude OR you can exclude the current post (where you are inserting the list) OR you can exclude posts by taxonomy term – in this case simply start typing for example the name of the blog category, which posts should be excluded from being shown.


Here you can enable or disable displaying of different content elements in each post in slider. Also you can enable or disable “Read More” button, specify its text and optionally add icon to this button.


Here you can enable or disable slider arrows and select icons for arrows.


Enable or disable autoscroll for blog slider and specify autoscroll speed.

Style Tab

Container Style

Customize the appearance of blog slider’s main container. You can control the height of the slider and make additional adjustments.

Image Style

Customization options for image appearance. With “Position” control you can specify background image position inside the blog slider.

Caption Style

Here you can customize the style and typography of caption elements: title, description, date etc.

Caption Container Style

Set of settings to customize the appearance of caption container. You can control width and height of caption container, specify vertical and horizontal spacing and make more style adjustments.

Arrows Style

in this section you can style navigation arrows for blog slider.