Spaces & Margins

There are three main ways to control spaces, margins & paddings in TheGem WPBakery:

Divider Shortcode

This is a native TheGem shortcode. You can find it here

With this element you can manage your horizontal margins & paddings very precisely. The advantage of using this shortcode is, that it shows you inserted spaces using dashed areas. Another useful feature of this shortcode is to insert nice colorful content dividers. See Demo.

Style: select the style of your separator. If you wish to use divider to set horizontal margins, use preselected “1px” style

Color: select the color of your separator.

Margin top: set the top margin in px.

Note: you can also use negative values (i.e. -27) to reduce margins!

Margin bottom: set the bottom margin in px. NOTE: you can also use negative values (i.e. -27) to reduce margins!

Using „Design Options“

In WPBakery Page Builder  you can swith to „design options“ tab in Rows or Columns properties and here you can set margins and paddings as well:

Using „Empty Space“ shortcode