Title Area
In this section of Page Options you can define the look of the page's title area. Title area includes title, excerpt and breadcrumbs. It can be also referred as the hero section of the page.
By default, all settings are set to "Default Settings (Theme Options)", which means, that title area settings are inherited from the settings made in Theme Options.
Title Area
- By selecting "Disabled" you can force the disabling of page/post title area.
- By choosing "Enabled" you can force the displaying of page/post title area.
If enabled, you can then select:
Type of Title Area
Regular Title: you can define the appearance of the page/post title area by adjusting the settings in "Style & Alignment" and "Background" sections below
- Title Template: you can select the title area template created in Templates Builder. Learn more about title area templates in this chapter
- Slider: In case you wish to display Revolution Slider or LayerSlider in title area of your post/page, select "Slider". Here you can then select the slider type and select the slider to display.
Title & Excerpt
In this section you can:
- Enable TinyMCE editor in case you wish to use rich formatting / HTML as your page/post title
- Excerpt: write the page/post excerpt