Styled Galleries
See detailed description of galleries in Chapter Galleries.
TheGem has a number of different gallery types which you can use to display your images in content by inserting a Gallery element:
Gallery: here you can select a gallery to display, which you have created under „Galleries“ in your wp admin
Gallery type: Here you can select the type of your gallery. You can choose between:
- Slider – gallery in form of slider with thumbnail bar below
- Grid – gallery in form of classic grid
Depending on which gallery type you have selected you have different options.
For Grid Galleries:
Layout: choose the layout of your grid gallery
Style: For grid galleries: choose the style of your grid here
Gaps size (px): Here you can set a gaps size between images in your grid gallery. Set „0“ for no gaps.
Hover type: select the onhover style here
Border style: choose the style of image borders in your grid views.
See Demo Of Different Border Styles
Title: If you would like to insert the title to your gallery, use this field and enter your gallery’s title.
Loading Animation: set the loading animation for your gallery items (images).
For Slider Galleries:
Layout: choose the layout of your slider gallery Fullwidth means, your main image in the slider gallery will be wider in proportions; half-size is meant to be used on pages with sidebars andcolumns, here is the proportion of the main image in slider more quadratic
Disable thumbnails bar : with this option you can hide the tumbnails bar displayed below the main image in the slider gallery. If disabled you can then choose if you wish to enable a pagination or not
Autoscroll : here you can set an autoscroll speed for your gallery slider (in milliseconds). Leave empty if you wish to disable autoscroll