How to Apply the Single Post/Page Template?
A single post/page content template created with TheGem’s templates builder can be enabled for all or for separate:
- posts
- pages
- single posts of your own CPTs
- posts of the selected taxonomy term
Activating for all posts/pages
To activate a single post template for all posts of your website globally (this will be applied on all posts) proceed as follows:
Go to Theme Options → Single Pages → Post
Select “Templates Builder” in Layout Source
In Select Blog Post Template select a template you wish to apply
In the same way you can activate a template for all pages:
1. Go to Theme Options → Single Pages → Pages
2. Select “Templates Builder” in Layout Source
3. In Select Page Template select a template you wish to apply
So basically you can apply your template on any single post type (including your own custom post types) via Theme Options -> Single Pages.
Note: some third-party plugins include their own fixed templates for displaying their own post types which override the single post templates created with TheGem; in this cases TheGem templates will not be applied.
Note: in case your changes are not being applied to some posts please ensure that in these posts there are no activated custom settings for post layout in Page Options -> Post Layout (“Post Layout Settings” should be set to “Default Settings”).
Activating for separate posts/pages
To activate a single post/page content template for specific post/page individually proceed as follows:
Go to Page Options while editing the post
In Content Layout go to “Layout Settings” and select “Custom Settings”
Select “Templates Builder” in Layout Source
In Select Blog Post Template select a template you wish to apply
Activating for posts of the selected taxonomy term
To activate a single post/page content template for all posts of the selected taxonomy term (for example: only posts of the blog category "My blog category" should get single post template "My single post template #1) proceed as follows:
Go to the page options of the selected taxonomy term (in our case: "My blog category") while editing this taxonomy term
In Single Posts Layout go to "Layout Settings" and select "Custom Settings"
Select “Templates Builder” in Layout Source
In Select Post Template select a template you wish to apply to all posts of this taxonomy term