Product Archives Specific Elements
As said above, you can add any content elements available in page builder to your product archives template. However, the mostly used elements are product archives specific elements like product grid, archive title etc. which content is populated dynamically from the product archives data. Here we will describe briefly product archives specific elements.
In This Article
Products Grid
This element helps you to add products grid / list to your product archives template. Please check this landing page for all features of “Products Grid”
After adding this element, by default, the “Products Archive” will be selected as products source. This means that products from the corresponding products archive will be dynamically used and displayed.
You can also change the product source from “Products Archive” to manual selection by selecting “Custom Selection”. In this case you can select any products (by category, by attributes, by product selection etc.) to be displayed in your product archive template. This is useful for adding additional product sections like “You may also like” to your products archive template.
All settings of “Products Grid” element are explained in following sections:
Note: Different types of AJAX product filters are included in products grid element and are described in the links above. In addition to TheGem filters, in products archives template you can also use “WooCommerce Sidebar Widgets” as a filter type. This type of filter enables WooCommerce sidebar in the product grid and performs product filtering via WooCommerce widgets (like “Filter products by ..”) , which you can add to your sidebar via “Appearance -> Widgets” in your WordPress admin.
Product Categories
Adds grid with product categories to the products archive template. Please check this landing page for all features of “Product Categories”
Under “Source” you can select, which categories should be displayed. You can select categories manually or you can choose “Show subcategories” to automatically display the subcategories of the corresponding category with the applied product archives template.
Learn more about "Product Categories" element.
Archive Title
Archive title shows the title of the corresponding product archive.
Archive Description
Archive description shows the description/excerpt of the corresponding product archive. You can set the archive description in the page options of this archive under “Description”
Archive Breadcrumbs
Adds product archive breadcrumbs to product archive template.
Using the archives thumbnail
If your archive has a thumbnail / archive image (specified in page options of this archive), you can dynamically use this image in your archives template.