Quick Overview
To start TheGem Blocks, first add or edit any page, post, portfolio page etc. Start Elementor page builder by clicking on “Edit with Elementor” button and in the editor mode click on “TheGem Blocks” button:
You will see this overlay:
Tab “TheGem Blocks”: here you will find all pre-made blocks
Tab “Saved Templates”: here you can find any of your own saved templates (see below)
Search: here you can search for the blocks by entering its name
Categories: list of block categories, grouped thematically
Blocks: overview of pre-made blocks, assigned to the selected category
Favorites: here you can find all blocks, which you have added as your favorites (see below)
Include media: if checked, demo media (images, videos) will be inserted as well. Uncheck to insert dummies instead of demo media
Here you can switch between two color modes for blocks: Multicolor and dark mode.