
Inserting counters in your page consist of two steps.



Select “Counter box” shortcode from the shortcode list. Counter box will be immediately added to your page

Additionally you can make general settings for your counter:

Style: choose the style for displaying your counter.TheGem comes with two horizontal counter styles and one vertical

Columns: for horizontal counters. Here you can choose number of columns in one row

Lazy loading enabled: here you can activate lazy loading animation for your counters

Number format: select the format for displaying your numbers in counter

For Vertical Counters

Vertical counters look like this:

You can make following settings:

Connector color: select the color for vertical connector

Team Person: here you can select a team person to be displayed above. If „none“, team member box will not be displayed.



Now click on “+” symbol on the added counter box. And then click on “Counter” shortcode

You will get following settings dialog:

From: starting number to start counting animation, for example 0

To: final number to finish counting animation, for example 100

Text: title to be displayed under the number

Suffix: you can use it to display some symbol or unit for the numbers

Background Color: select background color for your counter element

Numbers Color: select font color for numbers

Text Color: select font color for title / text

URL (Link): you can link one counter element by defining a link here

To set some icon for your counter element, click on „Icon“ Tab above:

Here you have all same settings as in „Icon“  shortcode (explained above)

Useful CSS

Fonts, colors:

.gem-counter .odometer.odometer-auto-theme {

font-size: 33px;

font-weight: 100;

color: #eeeeee;


.gem-counter span.gem-counter-suffix {

font-size: 22px;

font-weight: 100;

display: block;

color: #eeeeee;


.gem-counter-text.styled-subtitle {

font-size: 14px;

font-weight: 100;

color: #eeeeee;


You can modify this css and insert it in Theme Options -> Custom CSS to apply on all counters:

To apply this custom CSS on a single content element only, use the "Extra class name" field in this element in WPBakery:

The example of the css selector for the "custom-counter" class name in this case:

.custom-counter .gem-counter .odometer.odometer-auto-theme {

font-size: 33px;

font-weight: 100;

color: #eeeeee;
