Translating Header and Footer Templates

To translate Header and Footer templates, you can start by following the steps above. You then additionally need to translate the template ID. This makes it possible to display the correct language of these templates on the front-end.

We’ll use a header template as an example to show you how to do this:

1. Go to TheGem → Template Builder and edit your Header template. Make a note of the ID number in the template’s URL.

2. Use the language switcher in your top admin bar to switch to your site’s secondary language. You should see a different category ID number in the URL. Make a note of it.

3. Go to WPML → String Translation and click on the Translate texts in admin screens link at the bottom of the page.

4. Use the search bar to search for [thegem_theme_options][header_builder] or the ID number of your template’s URL in the default language. Then, select the string you want to translate and click on the Add to String Translation button.

5. Return to the main String Translation screen and locate the string you just added to the String Translation table. Then, click the plus icon under the language you want to translate the template into and add the ID number of your secondary language template.