Translating Texts From TheGem Theme, Plugins, and Other Places

Besides the texts in posts and pages, your site is made up of texts coming from other places, like the theme or plugins on your site.

Once you translate your website content, you may want to translate specific phrases or words coming from TheGem, like the Next post button in Testimonials, or the Follow Us title from the Follow & Contact Us area.

You can translate these texts using WPML’s String Translation. To do this:

1. Go to WPML → Theme and plugins localization and choose TheGem from the Strings in the themes

2. Click on the Scan selected themes for strings

3. Scroll down to the Strings in the plugins section and scan TheGem Theme Elements plugin for strings.

4. Once scanning is complete, go to WPML → String Translation and use the In domain dropdown menu to search for strings within thegem Then, click the plus icon next to the text you want to translate.

Note: You can also translate texts from other plugins in String Translation. If you can’t see the text you want to translate on the String Translation page, start by going to WPML → Theme and plugins localization and scanning the plugins of your choice for strings.