How to customize TheGem Elements (for WPBakery)?

TheGem Elements are delivered with many settings and customization options out-of-the-box, so actually there is no need to write any custom code to achieve the desired results - everything can be made via element's settings right away in WPBakery editor.
However, in case you have some very special customization requirements not covered via elements settings, you can customize templates with your own code as follows:
  1. Install the child theme, which is located in /Child_Theme/For_TheGem_WPbakery/ folder of the main zip file, which you have downloaded in your "Downloads" category on Check this article.
  2. Using FTP, copy the file of the template, which you wish to customize, from the TheGem Elements for WPBakery plugin into a child theme. The path should be /wp-content/themes/thegem-child/gem-templates/element-name/file-name.php

For example you wish to customize the template of justified blog grid. So copy the "content-blog-item-justified.php" file from "wp-content/themes/thegem/gem-templates/blog/content-blog-item-justified.php" into "/wp-content/themes/thegem-child/templates/blog/content-blog-item-justified.php" Now you can start to customize this template.