Custom Menu
With this element you can add a navigation list / menu list to your post/page. This content element is especially useful when using for creating custom mobile navigation templates (learn more).
Content Tab
Menu Source: select the source for displaying menu list.
By selecting “Appearance->Menu” you can then select which menu should be displayed from the menus you have created in your WordPress admin. By selecting “Custom list” you can create your own custom navigation list by adding items in the repeater control. For each item in this custom list you can specify the label by entering the label text and setting the label colors and add icon by activating the “Icon” control.
Custom Menu Style: you can display the menu list vertically or horizontally
Show Submenu Items (Onclick): this setting is available only in case "Appearance-Menu" is selected in "Menu Source" field (see above). It activates the possibility to show submenus by clicking on the main menu items.
Font preset: this control helps you to apply the typography preset to your custom menu list.
Menu Indicator: adds the small "right" arrow icon after the menu item to indicate that the menu item is clickable
Submenu Indicator: adds the small "down" arrow icon after the menu item to indicate that the menu item has submenu items which will show once clicked on that menu item
Heading: here you can add a heading to the custom menu list. As with the custom list items, here you can also add icon and label and specify the link (i.e. making the heading of the menu list clickable as well).
Style Tab
The group of settings to customize the appearance on the custom menu list.