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Pre-Built Demos
How to Import Pre-Built Demos

How to Import Pre-Built Demos

Recommended PHP Settings

In order to avoid any possible import issues because of your server and php setings, we would recommend setting following PHP values in your server’s php.ini:

  • Memory Size: memory_limit = 256M
  • Script execution time: max_execution_time = 180
  • Number of input variables: max_input_vars = 4000

If you don’t have an access to the php configurtation on your server, you can try to set this values in .htaccess file:

php_value max_input_vars 4000
php_value max_execution_time 180
php_value memory_limit 256M

Note: some hosting companies don’t allow to change php settings directly using .htaccess. In case you have some problems after modifying your .htaccess file, log in to your FTP account and remove these modifiactions from .htaccess

Note: Make sure the "wp-content > uploads" folder is writeable

One-Click Import Of Pre-Built Demos

Check this video tutorial on how to import pre-built demos in TheGem:

TheGem comes with plugin “TheGem Demo Import”, allowing you to import any of the demo websites, demo pages & demo content you can see on TheGem’s demo:

“To use one-click demo import you need to go to TheGem Dashboard and select “Demo Import” tab, or alternatively to click on “TheGem -> Demo Import” menu in your WordPress admin:

Here you have an overview of all TheGem’s demo websites which you have seen on this page You can filter this overview by using this filters

and you can search for some specific demos by entering keywords here

Once you have found the website you need, just click on it and you will get the following overlay:

Here you have two installation options. You can either import the whole demo website as seen on TheGem’s demo or you can select single demo pages from this particular demo website to import in your installation (without importing the whole demo website).

Importing complete pre-built demo website

In case you wish to import the whole pre-built demo website, select “COMPLETE PRE-BUILT WEBSITE” in this overlay. This installation option import the whole demo content of the selected demo website, including all menus and homepage. After selecting this option and clicking on “Next Step”, you will get an overlay with additional import options

Here you can choose:

  • IMPORT THEME OPTIONS: by selecting this your current theme options will be completely overwritten with the theme options of the selected demo website. We always recommend to backup your theme options prior to import the whole new website.
  • IMPORT REVOLUTION SLIDERS: this option will automatically import all of the demo revolutions sliders used in the chosen demo website
  • IMPORT MEDIA: this option allows you to import all demo media content (images, video, audio) used in the chosen demo website

After you are all set, just click on “Submit” button and import process will start. Just wait a bit and your demo website will be fully imported, so you can start work on it.

Importing selected single demo pages

Additionally to the import of the whole demo website you have also an option to select single demo pages from the selected demo website to import in your installation (without importing the whole demo website) by selecting “SELECT PAGES FOR IMPORT”.

This option is particularly good in case you wish to mix different demo pages inside your own TheGem’s installation. For example, you can choose to use some specific demo website (say, construction business) but you don’t like “About Us” pages of this demo website and wish to use “About Us” pages from the digital agency demo website instead. In this case you can just import the whole construction website, remove “About Us” pages you don’t need, go to Demo Import, select “digital agency” demo website and import only “About Us” pages from this demo website.

After choosing “SELECT PAGES FOR IMPORT” and clicking on “Next Step”, you will get this overlay with the list of demo pages used in this demo website:

Here you can easily choose which pages to import and click on “Submit” – after this only selected pages will be imported.

Please note: in the top area you have following options:

  • IMPORT THEME OPTIONS: by selecting this your current theme options will be completely overwritten with the theme options of the selected demo website. In case of importing single pages we do not recommend to use this option if you don’t wish to overwrite the styles of the previous demo website you have already imported
  • IMPORT REVOLUTION SLIDERS: this option will automatically import all of the demo revolutions sliders used in the chosen demo pages
  • IMPORT MEDIA: this option allows you to import all demo media content (images, video, audio) used in the chosen demo pages

After you are all set, just click on “Submit” button and import process will start. Just wait a bit and the selected demo pages will be fully imported.

Removing demo content

This option is good if you don’t need demo content, which you have not modified, anymore. Say you have imported the whole demo website, you have used some demo pages to build your own pages but the rest of the demo content you don’t need. By clicking on the theme will automatically remove all demo content WHICH HAS NOT BEEN MODIFIED BY YOU! In case you have edited (and saved) some posts, pages etc., this content will not be removed. This concerns media content as well. If you wish to keep some demo media on your website, you need to remove the word ” (Demo)” from the media description of the corresponding media file (image, video etc), otherwise this file will be removed as well.

Note: In order to use one-click import procedure pls be sure, that WordPress plugin “WordPress importer” is deactivated

Note: due to specific realisation of sidebars & widgets plugin in TheGem you cannot import demo sidebar content for customized sidebars.